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Solomon 8:4

How can I embrace joy and contentment in singleness and be open minded to dating, seeing the seriousness of dating but also enjoy meeting men of God?

Be aware of red flags such as:

  • Being rude in public

  • Mistreats the women in his life (mother sisters) If he cant respect his momma he will not know how to lead you.

  • Doesn’t seem to respect authority

Even if you aren’t trying to date a guy you still don’t need to be around guys like this, they will rub off on you and discourage you when you are ready to date. Gods standard for his daughters is high, we won’t see it if we are constantly around men who don’t take you or themselves serious.

If you are considering dating the man MUST be a man of God, a man who is putting effort towards growing in the Lord. You must see consistent evidence that he really loves and submits to the Lord. Some examples may include:

  • Seeking counsel from a mentor, dad or man in the church

  • He presents himself as a man who recognizes his brokenness and need for Christ! So look at his actions!

You want a man who is unashamedly living for Christ. He gives his glory to God not to all the hard work he himself put in.

Start simple go for a walk together see if your personalities even match. You should have someone who keeps you accountable because the enemy likes to sneak in. A way you can do that is by texting a girlfriend or woman from your church and simply say “I’m going for a walk with this guy can you pray our time together remains pure & I will text you after”.

You may walk away and have noticed a red flag, you like some stuff about him but he’s not what your looking for. Thank the Lord He revealed that to you and carry on. Do not put the guys business out there making him sound terrible because he didn’t match YOUR “liking”. If you both enjoyed each others company you can do something a little more official maybe go for lunch or dinner. Always be prayerful and aware of your mind. We as women will “marry” a guy in our mind at hello. Ask the Lord to help & guide you to be realistic and enjoy each others company.

I do believe you should hang around your friends together, people who really love and care about you. Sometimes we may not see red flags but if the man is a man of God and is serious about pursuing you he will not have a problem being observed.

Lastly, you better be sure you are spending time with the Lord before you present a list of “Must haves” for a man…! He isn’t supposed to save you and fix all your problems, he deserves a woman who has a genuine relationship with the Lord as well. And let him pursue you, you shouldn’t have to text him and ask him to hang out, he will put in the work if he is serious about you. Men go after what they want. And you should be in prayer asking the Lord for wisdom to show you if he is someone you should consider. Trust me the Lord will show you!!

Be encouraged you have a father who loves you like crazy!! Embrace each season whether it be a season of singleness or dating.

I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that you not stir or awaken love until it pleases. Solomon 8:4

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